Travel Tips

The best time to visit India comes in between the months of October to March. The months of July-September are reserved for Monsoon, that hampers the wildlife park visit but rest of the places becomes ultra ogorgeous during thai time of year.

Being India's traditional country, it is susceptible to dress moderately especially in public places of religious origins like temples, mosques or Guridwara. If you do not want unnecessary attention it is good to give a try to the normal clothing just the way locals are.

Rupee is the official currency ( and coin system is referred to as Paisa) of the country and it is available in the denomination of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 & 2000 notes. It is good to keep coins of Re.1, Rs 2, 5 & 10 handy. The USD is widely and fairly in every part of the country and the same can be exchanged conveniently with local currency after paying a minimal cost.

It is best to try shopping from local markets in order to buy souvenirs and specialty products. For some heavy artifacts of items, the procedure of international shipment is also available.

It is susceptible to bring your own kit of medicine, sunscreen lotions and other items in the category of which you are specific and dependent. However, general medicines to super specialized ones are easily and widely available throughout the country at fair prices.

Hindu, Muslaim, Jain, Sikhs, Chtistians, Parsi, Jewish, Buddhist and many other people of various religions live in this country. Being a secular state, India is equivocally tolerant and welcoming for every religion.

Three pin system for charging point is available in every hotel, resort, restaurant, cafe and place of lodging. You can also buy a compatible charger from any local shop or can ask at the hotel reception to arrange it for you.

Getting Visa for India is easy and a hassle free process. One can easily apply online using the authorized portal and get the application done conveniently in the prescribed time. For complete & detailed information please check

To avoid that dodgy stomach that most of the people complain during their first time visit to India, the best way is to keep it slow and restricted upto what you are habitual to eat. Undoubtedly India is a heavenly place for food lovers, but to avoid any complications it is best not to experiment with the body.
Tea and its most varied version is easily available everywhere in this country. Coffee lovers can also try their favorite in any cafe or routine brands like Starbucks present in metro cities.

In order to avoid any complication or uncertainty is it suggestible not to walk alone in secluded and lesser populated places. Always keep yourself in company and avoid odd hours.

There are some places where photography is strictly prohibited for security and other reasons. The notices informing about the caution are always available in local as well as  English language.

Practicing hygiene is always good for everyone. Always keep your sanitizer handy and avoid open food and non-branded street food.

There are some specific vaccines that are necessary for residents of particular countries before entering India. The complete list regarding general vaccination and COVID related matters  is available at

There are many private banks and agencies that are actively  engaged in provisioning best and secured travel insurance facilities. You can check with HDFC, ICICI, Policy Bazaar and similar portals.

Undoubtedly if you are coming to India and by-chance you forget something back at home, there is hardly anything that you can not find. But still there are few things that are personal and customized for you, making you feel comfortable and confident too. In this list of what of to pack lets take a quick look at the list of items that must be in your packing bags,

First thing first, do not forget to pack your necessary medicines, lotions & skin care products

Clothing: It is always a win-win situation for hassle free travel in India if you dress modestly and with non-transy and no-deep cut clothes. If you do not want to catch the attention of people and want to enjoy your trip just like others and especially if you are paying a visit to religious places, always dress with sober, long skirts, jeans, non transy shirts/tops and avoid bikinis at beach areas.

Bagpacks: A spare suitcase, stroller bag or backpack for local day tours. Because you can not carry your main luggage bag to shopping or sightseeing sites.

Footwears: Super comfortable and durable walking/jogging shoes because it takes time for feet to adjust with the new one and you don't want to end up feeling tired at the end of the day tour. Also packing flip-flops and sandals is good for places which are damp or if you are picking up your vacation during the monsoon season.

Medicines: Packing your personal hydrating salts, digestion, anti-allergy & anti-bacterial pills, antacid tablets and stomach related medicines and heat resistant solutions and probiotics.

Personal bedding: As far as bedding related packing is concerned, you need not worry about the sanitation and cleanliness. But if you are very specific about it is suggestable to carry a sheet, neck pillow and eye-mask

Locks & Security: Premium quality locks for keeping your luggage safe and untouched.

Other packing bags: Waterproof packs and bags for carrying water bottles and food that might spill.

Swimsuit: Last but not the least, your swimsuit is very important and to be packed with your main luggage. It is hard to find proper fit and quality and even if you find one, it is going to be super expensive because there are only a few selected premium brands that are available in india.

India Time zone is GMT +5:30 and you must keep preparing your body to deal with it if you are planning to travel to an altogether new time zone.

Nobody wants to remain dizzy and end up feeling ill on their vacations and to avoid this we can suggest a few things so that your body can get acclimated with the change in time zone without leaving much trouble behind.

Always eat properly before checking out from home/hotel to the airport and keep your body hydrated. Intentional avoidance of food or improper intake of calories add up to the prob;em of feeling nauseated when you land up in a new time zone.

Keep your body moving and active. The best way to put it is to take more and more walks at the airport. Due to excess walking it will help in circulating more and more blood into the body and hence more oxygen to the brain for making it work better.

Avoid alcoholic drinks and smoking as much as possible. Rather, feeding herbal tea or coffee works best to make the situation better and controlled for time zone problems.