Terms & Condition

We as a vendor will be under no responsibility at all in regard to any misfortune or harm emerging straightforwardly or by implication out of the decay of approval for any Transaction, on Account of the Cardholder having surpassed as far as possible commonly concurred by us with our getting bank occasionally.

1. The Booking :- Your agreement is with Mariposa Travels Pvt. Ltd. . An agreement exists between us when we have affirmed you on our visit through your decision and we have accepted your marked booking structure and stores. All the important segments should be accurately and completely finished. We can acknowledge booking structure as this affirms that you and others on the visit acknowledge our booking terms and conditions and are going into the agreement.

2. Store :- Upon culmination of the marked booking structure a store of 30% of the visit cost per individual, be paid to the organization.

3. Installment :- All installments can be made to Mariposa Travels, with cash, check, Demand Draft, Credit card or electronic cash move. There will be an additional charge of 4% assuming that you make the installment with Mastercard - which will be added to your receipt cost. For booking which are made inside 10 working long periods of visit takeoff, everything will turn out to be promptly payable.

4. Balance :- Once the finished booking Form and store has been gotten a receipt will be sent, alongside a receipt for the generally paid. The equilibrium of the installment should be paid 28 days before the visit flight. Any reserving made inside 14 working days of the visit flight is viewed as late reserving for which the full and last installment is expected simultaneously of booking. Inability to pay the equilibrium inside the predetermined period will bring about the abrogation of the booking, and in installment of a retraction charge as definite underneath.

5. Assuming that you drop your Holiday :- If you or any individual from your party wishes to drop your vacation, you should advise us recorded as a hard copy, regardless the date of retraction will be at the date on which notice is gotten in the Tours Department of Mariposa Travels The individual who marked the booking structure should likewise sign the letter of wiping out. As this causes regulatory expense and maintenance charges by inn, the undoing charges will apply on the accompanying scale :

Number of days before departure

Amount of Cancellation charges

More than 30 Days

Deposit only

30-14 Days

50% of the Tour Cost

14-07 Days

75% of the Tour Cost

06 Days or less

100% of the Tour Cost

Discount Policy:

1) if there should arise an occurrence of discount, bank exchange charges will be deducted above dropping charges.

2) if there should arise an occurrence of Mastercard exchanges, discount will be done exclusively to a similar credit .

6. Assuming that you change your booking :- If, after your affirmation receipt has been given, you wish to change your movement course of action in any capacity, for your picked flight date or convenience, we will do our best to roll out these improvements, yet it may not be imaginable all of the time.

7. Obligation :- The organization doesn't possess or control inns, mentor or different offices referenced in the visit. As an administrator of the bundle visit consequently, we can't be expected to take responsibility.

a) Where there has been no shortcoming with respect to the organization, provider or specialists.

b) Where the disappointments in execution of the agreement are owing to the client.

c) Where the disappointments are inferable from an outsider not associated with the arrangement of the occasion and are unforeseeable or inescapable.

d) Where the disappointments are because of uncommon and unforeseeable conditions unchangeable as far as you might be concerned.

e) Where the disappointments are because of an occasion which you or your provider even with everything due care couldn't predict or anticipate.

We in all actuality do make all sensible strides in guaranteeing that the association keeps up with norms and offers support that is adequate to the travelers. The data inside this site has been accumulated with all sensible consideration and is right to the best information on the organization and is distributed sincerely.

8. Grievances :- We put forth a valiant effort to give travelers going on any of our days off, an agreeable and inconvenience free occasion yet every so often designs turn out badly. Would it be advisable for you to have any grievance, kindly tell your Mariposa Travels Manger at the time who will do all that could be within reach to quickly determine the matter. In the event that the circumstance isn't set out agreeable to you, then you should advise the organization in something like 28 days of the visit finishing off with composing. In the event that you don't keep in touch with us inside this time, this will influence the examination and result of the grievance. Any questions among clients and Mariposa Travels Shall be administered by Jurisdiction on India.

9. Identifications and Visas :- To make a trip to India from abroad nations with the exception of the resident of Nepal and Bhutan, one requires a 06 months substantial identification and a legitimate Visa. Furthermore, handling of Passport and Visa are excluded from the visit cost.

10. Wellbeing :- Any individual who has an infectious illness is taboo to travel, any individual found during the visit with such a sickness will be approached to leave the visit and should make their own game plans to get back.

11. Early Check-in/Late Check - out :- Please note that standard registration/Checkout time in all great inns are 1200 Hrs. (IST). In this manner the cost of Early registration or Late look is excluded from the visit cost. We can continuously ask for early registration or Late checkout whenever required however we don't ensure that, that totally rely on the arrangement of the inn, season and accessibility of the room.

12. Additional Uses of our Vehicle :- Please note that expense of the vehicle (vehicle/mentors with the driver) is excluded from the visit cost like :?- Usage of vehicle like after move or subsequent to touring untill or except if it is referenced in the schedule.

13. Freedoms to alter the schedule whenever required :- Tour once initiated will rigorously go according to the agenda settled. If there should arise an occurrence of occasions and conditions outside of our reach, we claim all authority to change all or portions of the items in the agenda for security and prosperity of our regarded travelers.

14. Overcharge :- The Price of your movement plan is likely to  get overcharged if there should be an occurrence of abrupt climb in fuel costs, plan airfare and any duties demanded by the public authority. Indeed, even for this situation, we will attempt to assimilate a measure of 2%, sum surpassing more than 2% will be overcharged.

15. Our Liability :- Mariposa Travels acknowledges the risk for those plans for your vacation, which are completely inside our control and thus, acknowledge responsibility to clients for the carelessness of our representatives, which incorporate our workers. Nonetheless, we might want to notice the accompanying conditions, which fall outside our immediate control or where for reasons unknown we are not ready to acknowledge risk. The Company will, in no conditions at all be obligated to the client or any individual going with the person in question for: Any passing, individual injury, affliction mishaps, misfortune delay, inconvenience, expanded costs, considerable misfortune and/or harm or robbery howsoever caused;Any act, oversight, default of any self employed entity or other individual or by any worker or specialists utilized by them who might be locked in or worried in the arrangement of convenience, reward, carriage office or administration for the client or for any individual going with him howsoever caused.Mariposa Travels can't remove responsibility for business game plans from our control, for example, cataclysmic events, modern debates, reason of danger or war, riots, common hardship, psychological militant exercises, specialized issues to the vehicle, outrageous atmospheric conditions, conclusion of the air terminals and ocean ports and comparative occasion beyond our control, or are because of uncommon and unforeseeable conditions unchangeable as far as you might be concerned.